Today the Willaura kinder took a trip to Greenvale where they day was filled with farm activities.
First on the agenda was inspecing Maisys 3 week old piglets, counting their teats, checking their gender and looking at the identifying marks of the Wessex Saddleback pigs, and most importantly of all having a pat.
Next was checking out the chooks including our rare breen Naked Neck Chickens and collecting eggs. To all their surprise there were some geese eggs also which were taken back to the house and placed in the incubator to see what would hatch.
After some morning snacks it was down to the sheep yards to watch weighing of some lambs. But where were these lambs going after they were weighted. On a holiday? No the kids were very comfortable that they were going away to be made into lamb chops.
After lunch it was visting more pigs and feeding apples. The last stop on the pig tour was a visit to Prince our 300+ kg boar and Prince recieved lots of apples. One could argue that Prince was being used as a target for the apples either way Prince being Prince wasnt all that fussed as the only thing he cared about was the food.