Monday, October 5, 2009

Princes' Trip to the dentist

Prince, our 3 year old Wessex Saddleback boar weighing in at over 300kg needed to have a bit of a teeth trim. We do this for a couple of reasons, although he is a gentle giant accidents can happen to either his handlers or his girlfriends and his tusks are razor sharp and about 1.5 inches long.
Pigs can be immobilsed by slipping a noose around the top of their nose and although he complains this doesnt actually hurt. We have put him in a cattle crush due to the sheer size of him as if he did decide to protest we didnt want to be on the other end of that.
His teeth are cut using emery wire which is a course wire that cuts as its pull back and forth against the tooth.
Unfortunately we didnt have any lolly pops left after his procedure so he had to settle for some more crushed grain.

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