Our Poll Hereford heifers this year have had an unprecidented number of still born calves due in most part to the size of the calves. Its all well and good for breeders to be pushing their breeds to produce a larger beast but if the cattle cant naturally birth them without difficulty then its really not sustainable.
So we have decided to use a smaller bull breed over our existing Poll Hereford cows and heifers. Enter Bond, Bewaldeth Bond. A Belted Galloway, currently classed as a rare breed in Australia and a slower growing animal with a natrually lower birth weight which produces a carcus that has won many awards. Belted Galloways are a very good grazing breed that produce more weight per kilo of grass than most other breeds and they tend to feed on more types of grass than other breeds and thus are good at weed reduction.
We are leasing Bond from one of the leading Galloway studs in Australia and we dropped him off with thie girls this afternoon. After a tiring trip Bond was more interested in grazing than hitting on the lasses. The lassess on the other hand were sizing up the new Lad on the block!
The progeny of a Belted Galloway Poll Hereford Cross will be a black cow with a white stripe with a white face.
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