Friday, August 29, 2008

hey pig, get off our lunch

with beatrice only piglet now weaned, we put her up in one of the house pens and prince in the pen beside ready for her to come onto heat, which normally occurs 3 days after weaning. After putting prince and beatrice in pens beside each other i also had to erect an electric fence as prince was begining to tear down the existing fence trying to get to beatrice.
As part of ve weaning process i also had to vaccinate the piglet. This was a tricky job in itself as she was quite heavy and fast. So i enticed her with food and while eating i grabbed her back legs at which point she squealed an ear splitting pig squeal. Doreen, the other sow in the pen, upon hearing this squeal came charging over and so i had to flee with heavy piglet in arms and run two laps around the shed to get enough distance between me and doreen for me to retrieve the injection on the top of the shed where i left it while i used two hands to grab the piglet. After grabbing the injection i then had to sprint another 20 yards to give me enough distance to put the piglet down and administer the vaccine before doreen caught me. Out of breath and mission accomplished!

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