Monday, March 17, 2008

Water hoses and Pigs dont mix

I tried to separate Prince and Doreen so that I could give Doreen more food than Prince. Prince is on the podgy side and Doreen needs the extra sustenance to help her through her pregnancy. I tried shutting the gate, locking Doreen in the run and Prince in the field however Prince took advantage of a loose bolt on the gate and lifted the entire gate off its hinges.

Having fixed the gate today I successfully managed to separate the two for feeding time. Doreen however was in the run and had finished her feed and must have been looking for some fresh water to wash down the feast down with and sussed out some pipes running under the run that feed the chicken shed, a few quick nosed digs and she had successfully located the pipe and managed to bust the pipe from the join and struck water.

I rushed to turn off the water at the mains and Scott and I diverted the pipe up over the run and into the top of the chicken house. Problem solved I hope. Now to install a water feeding device on in the pigs run.

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