This morning started with Benjamin and I venturing out to feed our Muscovy duck which wanders by the house twice a day in search of hand outs.
Our chicken shed is pretty much empty at the moment, only holding 3
bantam silkies, after, we believe the foxes culled a bunch of poultry including a number of ducks (
Peking and

guinea foul, some geese and a turkey. Over the past number of months however the remainder of the Chinese geese have been let out and free to roam. They have taken up residence at the house dam, the result has been a mass of geese dung around the dam and growth of algae related to the nitrogen from said dung. Anyway today Ben and I decided to round up the geese and put them back into their pen. I believe it was the
Geek Farm Life 
folk who said that the way to coax birds back to their shelters was to, over time, feed them closer and closer to
their destination. I had planned to do this as I set of with Ben on the quad bike. As we got close we realised that we could possibly round them up like we do sheep or cattle, which we did using the quad bike. We managed to get all but one back to the enclosure and that one darted under an opening in the fence and fled back to the dam before I could head it off. Later, feeling lonely that one goose decided to find out where his friends were and ventured to the chicken shed where we rounded him (or her) up also.
There is some debate amongst the family whether they will stay in the chicken shed due to their boisterous nature and ability to keep folks up at night. They may become cooked goose if
that's the case.

Later that day we got the cattle in the yards, first the cows then the bulls in readiness for the
Stock and Land Beef week sales. 
This involves showing the stock on the property for
prospective buyers who wander from property to property viewing stock. The hair on the ears were trimmed so the tags could be viewed and a few cattle had lost
their tags and had to be replaced. One of the largest of the bulls was named Benjamin after our lad of just under 3 years old who is around the same age as Benjamin bull.

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