The egg production seems to be looking up, Amanda yesterday gathering 13 eggs in the one day where as the lasses were only giving us about 6 a day which I thought was normal for the 7 hens we have not counting the 3 silkies or the one hen looking after the week old chicks.
Still on Silkies, since weve had the farm not a egg has been produced from any of them and all of a sudden we are getting one or two a day from those three ladies. This actually started just before the new birds arrived so maybe they got wind of the imminent arrival and figured if they didnt produce they'd be out. These birds came with the farm when we bought it and I need to find out what a male silkie looks like just in case one of them is a rooster and we can get some chicks from them.
Ive heard that silkies make good mothers and that if you have fertile eggs, silkies will mother them regardless where they came from. So thats exactly what weve done, in addition to the couple she has laid weve put a few more under her to see what happens.